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Gauge Conversion

Sheet Thickness
Gauge Millimeters Inches
0 8.26 .325
1 7.35 .289
2 6.54 .257
3 5.83 .229
4 5.19 .204
5 4.62 .182
6 4.12 .162
7 3.66 .144
8 3.26 .128
9 2.91 .114
10 2.59 .102
11 2.30 .091
12 2.05 .081
13 1.83 .072
14 1.63 .064
15 1.45 .057
16 1.29 .051
17 1.15 .045
18 1.02 .040
19 .912 .036
20 .812 .032
21 .723 .028
22 .644 .025
23 .573 .023
24 .511 .020
25 .455 .018
26 .405 .016
27 .360 .014
28 .321 .013
29 .286 .011
30 .255 .010
31 .2266 .0089
32 .2019 .0080

Please Use this chart to help you convert from inches to millimeters.
It shows gage 0 to 32 and from 8 mm to .2019 as well as inches
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